Saturday, May 22, 2021


Whenever we look back to our past, we notice that every stage of our life have a different meaning or at least represent a different kind of air, as if we were reading a book with different chapters and each chapter develop its own subplot in a more trascendent and definitive plot, which is, at the end, our true story life. 

Every chapter was always highlighted by some milestones that have changed our life forever. Nevertheless, It could have represented an evolution of our spirit and soul or not. This is an essential aspect of looking back in our lives, I mean, to advert the things that we have changed along our life for better.

Though everyone have their own experiencies and its own milestones, these current times represent a change for all of us, a dramatic moment that pushed us to rethink our goals and plans, but it should also help us to reevaluate our links with our families, friends, community and nation too.

This is a truly dramatic moment that should lead us to rediscover some forgotten and traditional values such as temperance, charity, patience, diligence, chastity, kindness and humility. These ones are all that we need in order to face these uncertain times.

These values will also lead us to discover and help the ones who are suffering, the ones who have lost a relative, or maybe, the ones who have some desease. Those are the ones who have lost not only material, but spiritual things; which is at the end the most important aspect of our life.

Since we are talking about values to face the pandemic crisis, values to redescover ourselves, we have to stop and think of the origin of those essential principles.

In these series of videos I'd like to share with you guys some reflections to face this pandemic situation inspired in a book wrote by a friend of mine, who is a franciscan priest who wrote a book called «Reflections to rediscover yourself during pandemic times»

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